Ritu- ZEN as ZEN of Standing Style Class(Instructor Emiko Nagi)

Ritu- ZEN is Standing ZEN, meditation, and qigong.
We do this in outdoors.
We have Ritu-ZEN session on Mt. Maya Kobe-city , Japan .
Kobe is located in western Japan, close to Kyoto and Osaka.
Would you like to stop in Kobe during your trip to Japan and How about join us ?
You need not particular experience , physical. ( If you have a little problem of knees
and hip joint, you can try to our Ritu-ZEN. Because you need not sit on the ground! It is an easy program.)
Time Monthly 2nd and 4th Sunday from 10:30 am to 12:00.
Place Maya Ropeway ” Hoshi No Eki “
Fee 2000 yen
E-mail info@rituzenkai.jp
Phone 07039646537 ( Nagi )
※ If you need a private lesson or intensive lesson, Please send me a direct message.
Use direct message by Instagram.

When we practice in a Mountain, we get a good effect of RituZen. Because Mountain have a big power.
In this place, Mount Maya, a Buddhist temple was built over a thousand years ago. Maya is the name of Buddha’s mother.
Especially here is an old folk sacred place. Here is a little fountain named 産湯の井(Ubuyuno-ido) It means fountain for the guardian of child.
In the old time, our ancestors came to here and bring back the water for their new baby. They used this water for new baby’s bath. They believed that this water have a power of guard for child.

A couple from UK tried RituZen in the Mt.Maya . November 6th.2019 @ front of th Ubuyuno-Ido
Mt.Maya is located in KOBE.
Kobe city is a big port town that located Kansai area in Japan , near to the Osaka and Kyoto.
This is a Short movie of Kobe. Please come to my lovely hometown!!